This is a list of them taken from the booklet published
by Wharfedale Family History Group
Martha maxfield, died 7th may 1899, age 69. Also Metcalf
Maxfield, died Jan 25th 1906, aged 78. Also Joseph, son of the above, died
Jan 23rd 1864, aged 1 yr 6 months. Also Septimus Vernon, son died Feb 20th
1873, aged 1 year 3 months. Also son John Robert, died April 5th 1934 aged
73(Burial list Mayfield)(038n)
Jane Maxfield, wife of
Thomas of Grassington, died Feb 16th 1833 aged 38(123n)
William Wood Maxfield , 1854 - 1927, Sarah his wife 1853
-1935. Sarah Ethel their daughter 1895-1936(212n)
William Maxfield of Grassington who died 29th Jan 1952
aged 67 years, also Alice his wife who died 13 Dec 1952 aged 56 years
Easter Eellen maxfield, daughter of James and Mary
maxfield of Grassington died June 12th 1841 aged 22 years. Also James
Maxfield, farther of the above who died May16th 1851 aged 55 years. Also
Mary his wife who died Feb 23rd 1870 aged 72 years(286n)
Thomas B Maxfield of Grassington who died April 21st
1905 in his 53rd year. Also Martha maxfield wife of the above who died May
14th 1929 in her 73rd year (Burial list Mayfield) (450s)
James M Maxfield of Grassington died 5th may 1906 aged
39 years. Also Sarah his wife died 8th Jan 1912 aged 40 years(456n)
CLAUDE SIMPSON MAXFIELD is also shown on the War Memorial
and on a window.
The numbers after each group are for the location of the